Preparatory Committee, Third Session,
13 March 2015

The Preparatory Committee is scheduled to hold its third session in Sendai, Japan on 13 March 2015, pursuant to resolution 68/211 of 20 December 2013, where it is expected to consider its final recommendation to the Conference on its outcome. As such, there will not be an established list of speakers.

Official Documents


The United Nations Secretariat invites Permanent Representatives of Member States and Permanent Observers of Non-Member States to the United Nations to communicate the composition of their delegation attending the third session of the Preparatory Committee to the Conference secretariat at

Inter-Governmental Organizations (IGOs)
Accredited Intergovernmental Organizations are invited to communicate the composition of their delegation attending the third session of the Preparatory Committee to the Conference secretariat at

United Nations System
Specialized Agencies and related organizations of the United Nations system are invited to communicate the composition of their delegation attending the third session of the Preparatory Committee to the Conference secretariat at

United Nations Funds, Programmes and Other Entities are invited to communicate the composition of their delegation attending the third session of the Preparatory Committee, through an official communication from their executive office to be addressed to the Conference secretariat at no later than 20 February 2015.

Major Groups
Accredited NGOs and other major group organizations can observe the third session of the Preparatory Committee. Organizing Partners will facilitate the distribution of secondary passes to gain access to the room for up to five representatives per Major Group (with additional seating accessible for persons living with disabilities).

Kindly note that only those who are pre-registered for the WCDRR can participate in the third session of the Preparatory Committee.

To register for the third session of the Preparatory Committee, Organizing Partners for each Major Group are invited to submit a list of participants to the Conference secretariat at no later than 20 February. Please include the participants name (Last – First), organization name, gender and name of the Major Group.