Recognizing that all of us have the obligation to do our part to combat climate change, the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) and the conference organizers are launching an effort to minimize the "carbon footprint" of the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction. Carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced through efficiency and conservation in the use of electricity, paper, supplies and travel.
In addition, UNISDR has supported the United Nations Secretary-General's "Greening the UN" campaign since its launch in 2007. Transportation for participants will likely produce 1.8 million kilogrammes of carbon dioxide [CO2], which UNISDR will offset by investing in a disaster risk reduction-related project under the Clean Development Mechanism of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change [UNFCCC].
Offsetting carbon emissions is supported by the 2009 and 2011 Global Assessment Reports as well as the Hyogo Framework for Action. In addition, UNISDR will endeavour to reduce the consumption of natural resources and the production of waste related to the Global Platform. Furthermore, UNISDR publications will be distributed on a USB key, to all participants saving approximately 12 trees per USB key -- the equivalent of printing each document one time, double sided.