Submit voluntary commitments to deliver concrete results towards the Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.
No deadline
Share inputs on how the World Conference Working Session can contribute to deliver disaster risk reduction.
No deadline
On the "Road to Sendai" aims to take stories of success, vision and critical needs for disaster risk reduction around the globle
No deadline
A call to Governments to become Safe School Leaders in the context of the Worldwide Initiative for Safe Schools.
No deadline
Promote and report on the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction. Count Me In! marks pledges from reporters and journalists.
No deadline
Do you have a great idea for the WCDRR blog article? Have a great resource or link or photos to share? Submit your blog.
No deadline
Share your good practices or cases that highlight the success of the Hyogo Framework for Action and serve as an evidence to support the recommendations made for the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction.
Deadline: Closed
TV broadcast companies worldwide are invited to enter their submissions to the film awards at the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction
Deadline: Closed
Nominate candidates for the 2015 United Nations Sasakawa Award for Disaster Risk Reduction, under the theme “Shaping the Future.”
Deadline: Closed
Apply to the 2015 RISK Award. The RISK Award will help lower the level of risk by providing financial support to a project dedicated to Disaster Risk Reduction - people-centred, innovative and sustainable.
Deadline: Closed