The concept of the nine Major Groups comes from Agenda 21. As will be remembered, the UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio in 1992 agreed to understand civil society in the context of sustainable development negotiations at the UN as the nine Major Groups. Having made the decision to designate civil society into nine Major Groups, the outline and rationale was explained in detail in Chapter 23 of Agenda 21. The Major Groups as defined by Agenda 21 are:
The UN General Assembly resolution A/RES/68/211 recognizes the importance of the contributions and participation of all relevant stakeholders, including major groups, at the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction and its preparatory process.
Major Groups can engage in discussions with States, Inter-Governmental Organizations and UN entities in informal and formal spaces. A large number of organizations belonging to different Major Groups share their views in key aspects of disaster risk reduction, distribute information, and coordinate official statements and position papers. This usually translates into statements made by representatives of Major Groups in the context of the official process as well as organization of side events and partnership initiatives during the Preparatory Committee and the Conference itself.
Organizing Partners (OPs) support a fluid communication between the Bureau and Conference secretariat, as well as to facilitate its engagement in UN processes on disaster risk reduction.
Organizing Partners are selected among the constituencies of the each of the Major Group sectors and must fulfil the following criteria:
Tasks of the Organizing Partners include:
Major group | Organizing Partner and contact person |
Business and Industry | Ms. Louise Kantrow International Chamber of Commerce |
Children and Youth | Mr. Aashish Khullar Children and Youth International |
Indigenous Peoples | Ms. Galina Angarova Tebtebba - Indigenous Peoples' International Centre Mr. Nigel Crawhall |
Local Authorities | Mr. Yunus Arikan ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability Mr. Mohamed Boussraoui |
Non-governmental organizations | Mr. Marcus Oxley Tearfund Mr. Siddharth Pathak Mr. Simon Rogers For community-led organizations |
Scientific and Technological Community | Anne-Sophie Stevance International Council for Science |
Women | Ms. Eleanor Blomstrom Women's Environment and Development Organization |
Farmers | Ms. Luisa Volpe World Farmers’ Organisation |
Workers and Trade Unions | Ms. Anabella Rosemberg International Trade Union Confederation |