Created in 2007 to throw the global spotlight squarely on efforts to protect the housing, land and property rights of people and communities who face the reality or prospect of climate displacement, Displacement Solutions (DS) is a not-for-profit international initiative, registered in Geneva, Switzerland. Its key goal is to build resilience and bolters the implementation of the five priority areas set down in the Hyogo Framework for Action, under the DS Climate Change Displacement Initiative (CCDI).
It is guided by the vision that climate displaced persons everywhere are citizens and rights-holders and that they must, therefore, also be beneficiaries of international human rights law. Over the past eight years, the CCDI has achieved numerous results, including working with a wide variety of grassroots groups and governments on the issue of climate displacement, in countries including Australia, Bangladesh, Fiji, Kiribati, the Maldives, Myanmar, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Thailand, and Tuvalu. DS has also carried out field research on housing, land and property rights, issues of relocation or resettlement and on various themes linked to the displacement caused by the effects of climate change. In addition, it has engaged in advocacy efforts to identify land parcels for possible allocation to climate displaced communities and has commissioned research and formulated precise plans for land acquisition in many countries.
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