Today’s five-day weather forecast is as good as the two-day forecast of 25 years ago.
Seamless hydrometeorological and climate services for various risk management applications
WMO experts available in Sendai and Geneva:
- Michel Jarraud, Secretary-General (English, French)
- Xu Tang, Director, Weather and DRR Services (Chinese,English) (meteorology and early warning)
- About 50 heads of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) (a variety of languages and expertise)
Communications Focal Point: Michael Williams, +41 79 406 4730, mwilliams(at)
The World Meteorological Organization assures the international exchange of weather, climate and water observations and information; assists National Meteorological and Hydrological Services to provide high-quality weather and climate services for reducing disaster risk and building resilience; and coordinates international programmes for weather and climate research and prediction. WMO also works with its Members and partners to support the implementation of multi-hazard early warning systems and services as an integral part of disaster risk reduction, and the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS). Visit and